Installation detail from Wrong Adventures,1984
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WRONG ADVENTURES: The Capp Street Project artist residency program began in 1984. Charlesworth was the first artist invited to live there for three months and create a site-specific public project in the space. The building was designed by the San Francisco artist David Ireland.
"In the year before I arrived in early January, I had set some restrictions for myself in developing new artworks. One of these was to avoid surveillance as a theme because I felt I had already used it more than enough in several videos and installations up to that point. Once I had lived in the space for a few days, I realized there was no way to have level eye contact with passers-by through any of the windows. The windows were mostly narrow horizontal slits, well above the height of anyone on the street. There were also windows within the building. It was a way to spy on the neighborhood – and maybe more significantly, it was now the year of Big Brother. I succumbed, turned interior windows into two-way mirrors and installed a CCTV camera over a bed."

Parts of the installation Wrong Adventures were constructed to double as sets for the video portion of the work, some of which was shot on site before the project was opened to the public.. This allowed viewers to see locations in person alongside recorded video of events taking place in the same places.